
Greetings in January 2022!  It has been a few months since I have written anything.  I had some gumption from time to time, but then it disappeared before I sat down to peck at the keys on my PC. Can anyone relate?  It must be Pandemic Fatigue.  I have actually had some very good ideas on interesting items to write about:  Relationships, Heart transformation, Memories, Sharing Your Story, Listening…But, today I think I would like to make a confession. Here it is:  I am so much more self-centered than I had ever believed.  My behavior and thinking proves it!

Here are two examples:  First, my amazing and caring husband, Paul and I were talking about…well, I can’t remember what we were talking about. All I remember was that I began to feel defensive and began to argue about “My POINT!”  I know you know what this is.  You have undoubtedly done it.  It’s “THE POINT” that I am trying to make and I don’t care what the other person is thinking or feeling.  I only want to get MY POINT across.  I want him (or her) to LISTEN to me and agree with me.  In this instance, we both came to our senses in a few minutes (before there was a bloody battle- not the physical kind-thankfully- but the relational knock down, drag out: “I will get heard and get my way no matter what!” kind).  We both realized our selfish desires, apologized, had a short chuckle (sort of) and then returned to our more sane and kinder selves.  This process has taken lots of practice for us and a good dose of God-given humility, but we were able to land in the more compassionate space and still care for one another.

Secondly, it happened today. Resentment and Judgment emerged from the pit of my not-so-good heart. I was minding my own business and pouring myself a cup of Saturday morning coffee when I walked by the sink…with dirty dishes in it.  Now, there are only two of us dwelling in this house at the present time, so I KNEW they were not dishes that I had left there.  The voice in my head was almost audible, “can’t anyone …EVER clean up after themselves?” (I might add, that he had cleaned out the dishwasher and put all the clean dishes away just a few minutes before that while I indulged in a very nice hot shower) Even so, I made as much noise as I could to rinse and put the dishes in the dishwasher.  As soon as the first fork dropped into the plastic hole in the dishwasher utensil holder, my voice of conviction--probably the Holy Spirit, at this point-- weighed in. “Don’t you think you can just put those dishes in the dishwasher without all that resentment and angst?” Hmm… Perhaps with a changed heart, I can.

Well, those are the confessions of my January- mid-Pandemic “Dragons” rearing up.  I hope to bring more inspiring subjects to you this upcoming year.  In the meantime, be encouraged with this:

Romans 8:1-2  “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus, for through Christ Jesus, the law of the Spirit of Life has set me free from the Law of sin and death.”

All the Best for a Blessed and Refreshed New Year!

Rebecca Sassenrath

*Watch for upcoming groups in 2022:  TBA

ReaLife Parenting, Parenting with Relationship and Grace.

Genesis Change Group for Women Alumni- Women who have been through all or part of a Genesis Change Group and would like to engage in support and refreshment of the practical Life Work of the Genesis Processes.

If you or someone you know may be interested in either of these upcoming groups, please send me an email @ Be Well.